Useful Websites

Internet Safety : Some helpful  guides for parents to safeguard their children online.

As always, please monitor your child when using the Internet. Many children are now signing up to social websites and this needs to be monitored very carefully by parents. Children are not permitted to use these social networking websites in school. Look at our IT Policy for further information. Please also have a look at some of the following links which will advise you on Internet Safety. The website address of the e-safety company that presented at the 2013 AGM of our school. : There are a number of very useful and practical guides for parents who wish to learn more internet filtering and safety regarding social networking sites. : National Crime Prevention Council: Internet Safety :  Guide to Shopping Safely Online : A set of links for parents to look at different articles etc., on internet safety.

Please look at the links below if you would like to learn more about Internet Safety Legislation.

  • Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003

  • Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998

  • Interception Act 1993

  • Video Recordings Act 1989

  • The Data Protection Act 1988

Useful Educational links for Parents

While individual teachers will often put up links to websites related to the class level please find information below regarding different curricular areas. When your child is at home, let them play games on the computer that is related to their curriculum to reinforce learning and also as an enjoyable method of putting their IT skills into practice! If you find additional links that you would recommend please leave a message on your teacher’s blog. There are also a further list of excellent websites on our “Inclusive Education” tab.
Providing lots of information and activities on History, Geography & Science broken down into class levels.The AskaboutIreland website also hosts the Digital Archive of the Irish Time. However it can only be accessed online through schools or libraries. Every edition of the Irish Times since 29th March 1859 is available online in an easily searchable format.
Providing a range of resources, worksheets, and project information for all subjects within the Irish primary curriculum broken down by class levels.
Discover Primary Science is a flagship project run by the Discover Science & Engineering (DSE) awareness programme. The programme aims to show children how important and fun science can be!

Me and my Body
Explore the human body with Ryan and Roisin. The site is designed to assist in the teaching of the Living Things strand of the primary curriculum
A database of Irish terms containing over 270,000 terms, searchable under both Irish and English versions.

Vikings Network Ireland
A site devoted to the hisitory of the Vikings in Ireland educates on safer usage of the Internet. Aimed at students, teachers and parents it also promotes the positive aspects of using the Internet and informs on how to deal with the risks.

An online free encyclopedia written collaboratively by volunteers all around the world

Google Earth
Google Earth combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world’s geographic information at your fingertips

National Geographic Kids
Features different people, animals, and places each month with facts, games, activities, and related links.

BBC Education
Tons of information & fun on the schools and education sections of the BBC site

NASA – Kid’s Home
Games, art, stories, and activities for children presented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Kids Website Directories

The following directories list out suitable sites for kids on the world wide web:
Great web sites for kids recommended by the American Library Association
Links to the best of the children’s web sites and all of the sites have been checked and approved for kids.
The Internet Public Library Youth Division has seemingly endless sites of a more educational nature.

Search Engines

While Google is the most popular search engine used today, there are also a number of other search engines that may provide a good safe alternative.

Yahooligans is a browsable, searchable directory of Internet sites for kids. Each site has been carefully checked by an experienced educator to ensure the content and links are appropriate for young people. The site is primarily aimed at primary age readers.

Ask for Kids
Results are generated through multiple methods – from hand-selected answers to results delivered using state-of-the-art search technology. Ask displays a warning page before presenting material of an adult nature.

This is the most widely used search engine. It also allows for specific searches of websites in Ireland and contains an option for Gaeilge. Filtering options allow the reader to set the search engine to exclude undesirable or adult material.

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